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Results found for "messier"

  • Our Astrophotography Awards and Publications

    99 & Messier 100 04/08/2021 Messier 64 03/17/2021 Thor's Helmet 02/12/2021 IC 434 01/21/2021 Orion Region 10/15/2020 Messier 45 07/11/2020 Comet NEOWISE 06/04/2020 Messier 17 05/07/2020 Messier 26 33 02/07/2019 ​ Messier 1 : The Crab Nebula Messier 35 : Open Cluster in Perseus Messier 37 : Open Cluster in Auriga Messier 42 : The Orion Nebula Messier 45 : The Pleiades Star Cluster Messier 95 and Messier 96 from the M96 group of galaxies IC 434 : The Horsehead Nebula

  • 5 October Astrophotography Targets to Photograph this Month

    Messier 31 is bright and very easy to photograph with even a very cheap DSLR camera. Learn how we captured M31 in our full post M33 - The Triangulum Galaxy Messier 33, also known as the Learn how we captured Messier 33 in our full post NGC 1499 - The California Nebula This was our very Simeis 147 by Rogelio Bernal Andreo M74 - The Phantom Galaxy Messier 74 is the second faintest object in the entire Messier Catalog and is nicknamed the Phantom Galaxy.

  • M88 and M91 - Spiral Galaxies in Coma Berenices Astrophotography

    Messier 88 and Messier 91 are two galaxies that are part of the Virgo Supercluster in the constellation Messier 91 is fainter and one of the faintest objects in the Messier catalog. Messier 88 and Messier 91 are close to many galaxies, including several Messier objects like: M64 (The Messier 88 and Messier 91 FAQ In which constellation are the M88 and M91 galaxies located? Final Thoughts Messier 88 and Messier 91 are faint but beautiful galaxies in Coma Berenices.

  • M14 - Globular Cluster in Ophiuchus | Astrophotography Pictures and Tips

    10 and Messier 12 ) Messier 14 is fainter than M10 and M12, but thanks to its size can be seen not Messier 14 Information Messier 14 is a globular cluster believed to be about 13 billion years old. In the original Messier catalog, the Messier 14 entry also reads: " This nebula is not large, its light Nova In Messier 14 A Magnitude +9.2 occurred in Messier 14 in the year 1938, but was not spotted for Messier 14 by the Hubble Space Telescope NASA and ESA released an impressive picture of Messier 14 on

  • The Triangulum Galaxy Astrophotography | 1000+ Hours on M33

    We used the exact same telescope to capture Messier 33 again as from our last attempt! The Triangulum Galaxy with an Unmodified DSLR Camera November 2016 In 2016, we imaged Messier 33 with The easiest way to locate Messier 33 is to first find the Andromeda Galaxy (red oval shape on the top Wide-field Astrophotography of Messier 33 Although not as impressive as M31 , M42 , or M45 , the Triangulum already imaged and processed M31 with an 8" or bigger telescope, you will find M33 to be a little easier

  • M23 - Open Cluster In Sagittarius | Astrophotography

    Messier 23 is an open cluster in the constellation Sagittarius. 23 Cluster Messier 23 is located in the constellation Sagittarius. Messier 23 is in the same region of the sky as other notable Messier objects, including the Lagoon Nebula Processing M23 Messier 23 is easy and fun to process! Messier 23 FAQ In which constellation is M23 located?

  • M73 - Asterism in Aquarius | Astrophotography Pictures and Tips

    morning of October 5th 1780 by Charles Messier. discovered by Messier's friend Pierre Méchain. Messier 73: Asterism or Cluster? Messier 73 has an apparent size of about 2.8 arcminutes. How far is Messier 73? Final Thoughts Messier 73 is small and not impressive when compared with some of the other Messier entries

  • M72 - Globular Cluster in Aquarius | Astrophotography Pictures and Tips

    Messier 72 is a globular cluster located very close to another Messier object, M73. Messier 72 Asterism Information Messier 72 is a globular cluster believed to be about 9.5 billion years Messier 72 by the Hubble Space Telescope NASA and ESA released a beautiful picture of Messier 72 taken Messier 72 FAQ What is M72? M72 is a globular cluster. Messier globulars.

  • M11 - The Wild Duck Cluster | Astrophotography Tips & Pictures

    Messier 11 and Messier 26 Mosaic Astrophotography August 2023 Six years after my last capture of M11, Out of the 26 open clusters from the Messier catalog, Messier 11 is the farthest one that can be seen Messier 11 FAQ What is Messier 11? In which constellation is Messier 11 located? Messier 11 can be found in the Scutum constellation. How large is Messier 11?

  • M75 - Globular Cluster in Sagittarius | Astrophotography Tips & Pictures

    It is one of the most distant and dense globular clusters in the Messier catalog. Messier 75 appears bright but small when photographed with a telescope. Messier 75 Cluster Information Discovery M75 was discovered by Charles Messier's good friend Pierre Méchain Messier 75 by NASA On April 22nd, 2019, NASA and ESA released an image of Messier 75 taken by the Hubble How to Process Messier 75 Processing M75 was very easy.

  • M12 - The Gumball Cluster in Ophiuchus | Astrophotography Tips & Pictures

    Messier 12 is an impressive globular cluster in the constellation Ophiuchus. M12 will be there, very close to Messier 10. Messier 12 Cluster Information Discovery Messier 12 was discovered on May 30, 1764 by Charles Messier Messier 12 by NASA On March 28, 2011, NASA and ESA released an image of Messier 12 taken by the Hubble When was the first ever picture of Messier 12 taken?

  • M15 - The Pegasus Globular Cluster With IFN | Astrophotography

    To find Messier 15, look up to first spot the large Pegasus square. Messier 15 is not far from another globular cluster in the Messier catalog: Messier 2. You can find Messier 15 in the constellation Pegasus. How big is M15? From Earth, it has an apparent size of 18 arc minutes How far is Messier 15? What equipment do I need to photograph Messier 15 You can photograph Messier 15 with pretty much any

  • M99 & M100 - Astrophotography Tips for a Field of Galaxies

    Messier 99 and Messier 100 are two grand design spiral galaxies located in a busy area of Coma Berenices M99 is similar in shape to Messier 87. Messier 99 and Messier 100 can both be found close to each other in the constellation Coma Berenices. Some of the bright members near M99 and M100 include: Messier 84 Messier 85 Messier 86 Messier 88 Messier 90 Messier 91 Messier 98 ... and more!

  • 15 Best Spring Astrophotography Targets for March, April, and May

    Messier 65 and Messier 66 are both intermediate spiral galaxies that are only 20 degrees apart, making Messier 63 was Pierre Méchain's first discovery, in 1779! Pierre Méchain was Charles Messier's friend and colleague. Messier 82 is one of our favorite galaxies in the night sky. Messier 51 can be seen with binoculars quite easily.

  • Markarian's Chain Astrophotography - A Chain of Galaxies in Virgo

    The chain contains several Messier objects, like M84 and M86. One thing I really wanted to do is to also include Messier 87 in the frame. Messier 86 Messier 86 is one of the brightest galaxies in Markarian's Chain and a major member of the Messier 89 Messier 89 is an elliptical galaxy with a nearly perfect spherical shape. Messier 90 Messier 90 is found 60 million light-years away and is one of the largest and brightest spiral

  • 15 Best Summer Astrophotography Targets for June, July, and August

    Photographing Messier 13 is not difficult but can be a little tricky. Messier 20 is located in Sagittarius, near M8, the Lagoon Nebula. Messier 17 is easily visible through wide telescopes and binoculars. : Sagittarius Messier 75 is the most centrally concentrated globular cluster in the entire Messier catalog How to Locate Messier 57 The Ring Nebula is not difficult to locate.

  • M44 - The Beehive Cluster in Cancer | Astrophotography Tips & Pictures

    Messier 44 is a bright and popular open cluster in the constellation Cancer. Messier 44 is large and bright, and is easily visible to the naked eye from a dark location. There aren't many other deep-sky objects around M44, besides the open cluster Messier 67, the Eskimo Discovery Messier 44 was discovered in the year 1609 by the famous astronomer Galileo Galilei. When was the first ever picture of Messier 44 taken?


    Messier 20 n’est pas très commune. A droite en bas, vous pouvez voir l'amas d'étoiles Messier 21. Ce sont 2 objets Messier capturés en une photo ! poses ISO 400 60 lights Calibré avec 21 Darks et 20 Bias #astronomie #astrophotographie #m21 #m20 #messier

  • 15 Best Winter Astrophotography Targets for December, January, and February

    Messier 1 came to be when a star went supernova in the year 1054 AD. This is the nebulous object that inspired the creation of the famous Messier Catalog! How do you locate Messier 35? Messier 35 is the only Messier object located in the Gemini constellation. Messier 95 is one of the faintest objects in the Messier Catalog and is impossible to see with the naked

  • The easiest galaxies for Beginner Astrophotographers

    Messier 31 - The Andromeda Galaxy Magnitude: 4.5 Size: 177.8 x 69.7 arcmin Constellation: Andromeda M31 Messier 31 is often the first object captured by beginner astrophotographers, and it most likely will Our image of M31 with just a DSLR and a tripod Right: Our image of M31 with a DSLR and a telescope Messier : Canes Venatici M51 is best photographed in SPRING Messier 51 is actually two galaxies colliding, M51A There is also a bright dwarf galaxy very close to Messier 101 that can easily be captured, designated

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