This is a practice master file for IC 2118: The Witch Head Nebula. It is a 2-panel mosaic where the Witch Head Nebula, the bright star Rigel, and a lot of space dust in the background is visible.
This image is great for both beginner and advanced astrophotographers, as the quality of this data will give you a good result no matter how deep you go into the processing.
This raw astrophotography dataset was captured from our telescope under Bortle 1 skies. It totals 30 hours of integration time, and is overall an incredible master file.
A full-resolution version of this data along with a 4K Tutorial video is available HERE.
Equipment used:
- Telescope: Celestron RASA 8
- Camera: ZWO ASI2600MC
- Mount: 10Micron GM2000HPS
- Filters: N/A
Witch Head Nebula - Practice Data